The Breastplate of Righteousness
In the years leading up to the incarnation of Christ, there was a man by the name of Julius Caesar, who helped transform the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire – one of the largest empires in history. It stretched all the way around the Mediterranean Sea and was home to millions of Jewish people, Italians, as well as other ethnicities.
Julius Caesar was a general, who had proven to be a very competent military strategist and leader, as his military campaigns resulted in victories, thus building the Empire. He was politically adept and his family tree was full of aristocrats. As the years passed, Caesar began to grow in power which would later result in a dictatorship. However, before solidifying his rule, he began to fill his senate with allies – people that he would be able to count on to back him, stroke his ego, and not put up a fuss – or so he thought. As his power continued to increase, the popularity with his senate began to decrease. Some became envious, jealous, and concerned of his aspiration to become Rome’s next monarch – something they’d not had in over five generations and definitely wasn’t crazy about having again.
As history would go on to reveal, some of the allies that Caesar appointed to his senate were “former” enemies of the Roman Republic. On that fatal day (which we recognize through historical and literary accounts as the Ides of March), there was a meeting in the senate from which Caesar would never leave – alive. The conspiracy to assassinate the dictator, was led by two of his “former” enemies (whom he made alliances with). According to historical accounts, 60 or more men participated in Caesar’s assassination. He was stabbed 23 times, and a medical examination would later reveal that there was only one wound that would be the lethal one. Out of 23 stab wounds, the one that would prove to be the fatal thrust was the second one to his chest.
This great commanding general, who had led numerous, successful military campaigns; who was no stranger to the armor that Roman soldiers wore into battle; who was very careful as to not to become a fatality during the battles; died the most ironic death. I can’t help but wonder, if he had worn his military attire to the senate meeting, would he had still lived to conquer even more? If he had not let his guard down around “former” enemies, would he have achieved his dream of kingship? This once brilliant dictator didn’t seem so brilliant that particular day; or, his arrogance blinded him from what was really taking place.
That is how it is with us at times. We put on our spiritual armor, go into battle against the enemy and stand strong in the Power of God. We withstand every blow, every fiery dart, and every weapon that Satan comes against us with. We fight a few battles and come out victorious, because, after all, Romans 8:37 tells us that we are more than conquerors in Him (Christ Jesus) that loves us – right? As true as that is, there are times when we tend to get too confident and too comfortable and begin to let our guard down. We quit looking to Christ and begin trying to fight battles against our adversary – in our own power and might. We begin befriending “former” enemies (sinful desires); and, the sin we once despised, we begin to feel comfortable around it and in it – while at the same time, Satan is waiting to use them to take us out. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. It’s a gradual process, just as it was with Caesar. His enemies didn’t plot his assassination overnight; and, in my opinion, I am sure it took him a while to “let his guard down”. Satan is waiting for the opportunity for us to let our guard down – be reminded, he is very patient. Last week we talked about the importance of the Belt of Truth. This week we are going to study the importance of the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Purpose of the breastplate. Military armor has been used for thousands of years dating back to ancient days. The breastplate was and is still a very critical piece of armor that protects the torso area of the body against lethal attacks. It was designed to protect the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and stomach – vital organs that enemies would target to take the soldier out quickly. Our soldiers, police force, and top government officials wear a type of breastplate (body armor) still today.
During the days of the Roman Empire, Roman soldiers wore breastplates (lorica segmentata) that not only covered the front of the torso, but also the back. Paul’s reference to it in the spiritual context signifies the necessity, as well as the importance, of protecting our vitality as Christians against the devastating and lethal attacks from Satan and his army. It’s not just any breastplate; it’s not one that we can see in the natural; but, it is one that we should wear all the time because it is the righteousness of Christ Jesus.
What is righteousness? The Greek word for righteousness in this week’s scripture passage is dikaiosynē. It is defined as being upright, virtuous, innocent, faultless, guiltless, keeping the commands of God; approved of or acceptable of God. The BLB Lexicon goes on to say that righteousness is “whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart of life”, in which only Christ, and He alone, fits this descriptive.
Righteousness can only be achieved through Christ Jesus and the Blood that He shed for us. We are born into this sinful world, unclean (unrighteous). We all have sinned and come short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Isaiah says that we are all infected with sin and our righteousness and righteous acts are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). We are already dead in our sins and the only way to live is to accept God’s gracious gift of eternal life through His Son’s (Jesus) finished work on the cross and resurrection from the grave (Ephesians 2:4-6). We will never produce enough righteousness within our own selves nor can we do enough good deeds in our flesh, to please God. Righteousness acceptable to God is nothing that we do but everything Christ has done.
Where do we get the Breastplate of Righteousness? The Breastplate of Righteousness can’t be bought by us. We can’t do enough good deeds to obtain it. You may be asking, “Well, if I can’t buy it or work for it, how can I get mine?” Good question.
The Breastplate of Righteousness was paid for at Calvary. When we become saved by faith, Christ imputes His righteousness into us, thus His righteousness is all God sees – not ours. As stated earlier, our righteousness alone is as filthy rags. When we believe right – believing that the righteousness of Christ is imputed into us – we will live right. We will no longer be conformed to the world (our old lifestyle, worldly ways, and evil deeds), but become transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2). Christ’s righteousness imputed into us will enable us to live a life pleasing unto God. We should be clothed in His righteousness at all times so we don’t give into those sinful desires of the flesh (Romans 13:14). God sent His Son, Jesus, Who knew no sin, to bear our sins so we can become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:12). Jesus is our only access to the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Why we should wear the Breastplate of Righteousness. Think back, if you will, to one of the worst spiritual attacks that you have had since being a Christian. The more you think about it, it probably came during a time that you was feeling the fire of the Holy Spirit raging inside of you and the Word of God burning hot with in your heart. Jeremiah described it “like a fire shut up in his bones” (Jeremiah 20:9). You felt great deep down in your sanctified soul and everything seemed to be clicking together just right. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the breath gets knocked out of you and the wind taken out of your sails. It seemed like all of hell broke loose on your life and Satan was delivering one blow after another – loss of your job, marital problems, rebellious children, death after death in your family, etc. Now that you think about it, it amazes you that you are still standing. It hasn’t been easy, but nevertheless, by the grace of God, you’re still here. Let me recall your attention to another soldier who had all hell break loose on his life.
Job was man of God who was blameless and of complete integrity. He feared the Lord and stayed away from evil. He was wealthy. He was the priest of his family. He was a praying man of God. He had a lot going for him. However, a day came out of nowhere, where one disaster after another began to turn Job’s world upside down. It all happened in a matter of minutes, but probably had that lingering, nagging feeling of eternity. After shaving his head and tearing apart his clothes in agony, he began to worship the Lord. Then, on top of all that had happened, he became covered in boils and had to listen to his angry wife. After his friends showed up ensued by days of silence, they began to condemn him. I can only imagine what Job’s initial thoughts were during this time of calamity of sorts. Nevertheless, he maintained his integrity, never cursed God in all of this, but no doubt wondered what had happened and why. I mean, here is a man, who by the Bible's definition was blameless and of complete integrity; feared the Lord and stayed away from evil – he was as close to righteousness as one could get before Jesus came. He loved the Lord and did everything right to the best of his ability, but Satan blindsided him. Even through all of the disastrous events, the Bible said Job never cursed God – he questioned Him, but never cursed Him. Job maintained his righteousness; he got weak, but maintained nonetheless. Every attack of evil that came his way was never enough to take him out; never enough to damage his vitality – integrity, character, and virtue – that he was known by in the very first verse of the book of Job.
For us, attacks will come. Being a Christian does not exempt us from spiritual warfare. No matter how many times we go to church through the week, how many bible studies we attend each month, how often we have family devotion, or how much we pray – we will still have warfare. As a matter-of-factly, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver us from them all (Psalm 34:19). Paul was familiar with the attacks and what it will take to withstand them. God has equipped us with everything we need for battle, but it is up to us to use it. The Breastplate of Righteousness will sustain the blows, thwart the attacks, and protect us against the enemy. It will make our paths straight, guide our steps, deliver us, and keep us from death (Proverbs 11:3-6). We may get scratched up and bruised, but the Breastplate of Righteousness will protect our spiritual vitality. Job wasn’t attacked without God’s approval. God will allow attacks from the enemy in order to test us and strengthen us.
Maintaining the Breastplate of Righteousness. Now that we know the purpose of the Breastplate of Righteousness, how do we maintain it and keep it on at all times? It requires daily maintenance; it requires discipline on the part of every believer. It is a choice that must be made second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Jesus said in order for us to be a disciple (a soldier) of His, we must first deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow after Him (Luke 9:23).
While it is true that the attacks will come when wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness (and the guaranteed protection against them), it is most certainly true that the attacks will also come the moment we decide not to wear it. They will come in the form of temptations and weapons designed to destroy us and turn us away from our faith in God (Luke 22:31). To maintain our Breastplate of Righteousness, we must remain in constant fellowship with Jesus Christ through His Spirit, staying in His Word, and continuous prayer. Maintaining and wearing our Breastplate of Righteousness always, will most certainly help us to shun and abstain from temptations and the sinful desires of the flesh.
So, along with the Belt of Truth, keep on the Breastplate of Righteousness and never take them off – NEVER! Remember, these are the fundamental garments of our armor and without them, we will become defeated Christians. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Until next week, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
– Julius Caesar
– Julius Caesar
Next week- The Full Armor of God: Shoes of the Gospel of Peace (Part 4)
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